Modiphius Entertainment & GunMetal Games have announced a surprise bonus for backers of the Achtung! Cthulhu and Interface Zero 2.0 Kickstarters!

Backers of both Kickstarters will receive a free bonus 120 page PDF book 'Achtung! Cthulhu - Interface 19.40' consisting of a 60 page adventure and 60 page supplement covering the early days of gene splicing experiments in the 1940's. Following the trail of sinister experiments on German soldiers to create the perfect fighting force, Allied agents and the German Abwehr military intelligence must unite to combat a far deadlier threat. 

Delving into the backstory of Interface 2.0 pseudo science the supplement written by GunMetal Games will explore the secret projects of the Allies and Third Reich, and how they evolved in the Interface Zero 2.0 setting. The Achtung! Cthulhu adventure written by Modiphius Entertainment will reveal the dark powers behind some of the experiments and the terrifying results when they are unleashed. The book will feature Savage Worlds and Call of Cthulhu stats along with cross - over rules for both settings allowing players to experience each of these unique worlds. 

The Kickstarter's can be found here:

Interface Zero 2.0 Full Metal Cyberpunk

Achtung! Cthulhu - Keepers & Investigator's Guide to the Secret War
Achtung! Cthulhu - Interface 19.40 will be available in Spring 2014 as a retail release from Chronicle City, and distributed free to backers of both Kickstarters.

In Interface Zero 2.0 players enter a dark and grimy world of corrupt, power mad government, greedy megacorporations and fringe science-gone-wild. You play ronin: rogue street operatives who make their living doing the things nobody else can, or will, do. You have no master, no loyalties beyond your bank balance. Your only friends are those of convenience. Your tools of the trade are computer code, high-powered weapons, combat drones, cybernetic augmentations, mental powers and maybe even a little bit of luck.

In Achtung! Cthulhu discover the secret history of World War Two - stories of the amazing heroism in which stalwart men and women struggled to overthrow a nightmare alliance of science and the occult, of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time, and the unbelievable war machines which were the product of Nazi scientific genius - and how close we all came to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

For further information see or
Achtung! cthulhuInterface zero